Meeting of the minds

Reading time: 2 minutes

In over 10 years of testing international psychometrics and development tools I have found just a handful that I really loved. And this is because some were too complex, some were too judgemental, some were putting people into boxes and most were rarely used after a WOW factor at first.

Amongst them, I will describe now EmergeneticsⓇ.

  • The main reasons I like it are:
  • It has a strengths-based approach
  • It praises the importance of diversity but also ways to manage the frictions
  • Is it simple and straightforward
    but also very powerful, valid and reliable
  • I received recommendation to used it from CEOs, COO, CIOs … and not necessarily HRs
  • It has a mobile app to support follow-up and culture building !

Also, one big differentiator is a licenced Workshop called “Meeting of the Minds” which is an experientially built, one-day journey which will make you see the world through different eyes.

It will reveal your thinking and behavioral preferences through engaging and discovery learning in order to realize greater individual and team potential. This workshop has been delivered around the world by certified associates.
The essence of the workshop remains the same globally, so no matter where you go, you will always get the same Emergenetics experience: simple to understand, easy to use, fully engaging and fun.
The Meeting of the Minds workshop is used as a talent development platform in a corporate or organizational environment by empowering individuals and setting the tone for a positive culture. The workshop is customizable in order to meet organizational development needs including, leadership, personal development, team building and communication.

Through the Meeting of the Minds Workshop, you will

  • Understand self and others
  • Communicate more effectively
  • Understand others’ perception of you
  • Make better decisions
  • Value your gifts

And more…
The Meeting of the Minds Workshop can be customized to emphasize specific themes relevant to your needs, such as communication, personal effectiveness, and team effectiveness…

Let’s talk

Mihai ZANT

Mihai ZANT

Mihai ZANT is an Executive Coach, Trainer and Managing Partner at, and Having over 10 years of experience in leading teams and communities he concentrated his work in building Learning Organisations.

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