Training Mihai Zant
“My mission is to assist professionals in creating Stakeholder Value at personal, team and organisational levels.”

Powerful Communication
“The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said” ~ PETER DRUCKER. So, the Powerful Communication Framework is a modularly designed learning experience addressing organizational needs like: message clarity and climate, emotional balance and transfer, positive framing, feedback vs feedforward, quality perception, empathy, engagement, collaboration, managing difficult interlocutors (clients and colleagues)”

Persuasion & Influencing Skills
Persuasion is a blend of unconscious and conscious processes with inestimable value once we discover its secrets. It is said that most decisions are taken emotionally and then we rationalise the reasons behind them. This workshop is about patterns, biases, neuroscience and plenty of useful techniques for you to master.

Negotiation is the most “popular” process of reaching an agreement. We negotiate daily, since we are born, in a conscious or unconscious manner, so it is about time to get better at it. Having the right mindframe about it and knowing its hidden paths can make negotiation a major value creation tool.

Team Dynamics
- How do thinking and behavioral patterns impact the teams?
- How to take advantage of diversity while managing frictions?
- Rituals, rithm, micro-culture and bigger picture.
- Motivation, freedom, responsibility, autonomy, engagement.
This training is a roadmap into finding the right balance between common objectives, personal traits and beliefs and company’s mission but also discover the levers to generate clarity, collaboration and engagement.

The Agile Manager
This is not about the Agile methodology. It is about the leadership behaviour needed in the VUCA world we are living in. If you also feel that the only certain constant is change, let’s have a conversation. My invitation is to rely on core values like authonomy, responsability, flexibility, openness, humility and know how to: learn-unlearn-relearn, manage ambiguity and feedback loops, experiment, build on strengths, communicate constructively, facilitate and coach.

Neuroscience in Leadership
Emergenetics’ signature Meeting of the Minds Workshop is a full-day program developed to reveal your thinking and behavioral preferences through experiential learning in order to realize greater individual and team potential. This workshop has been delivered around the world by certified associates and gives a fresh perspective on understanding self and others, efficient communication, collaboration and complementarity. All this is achieved while addressing the latest neuroscience research having an impact in leadership. Oh, and you will also have a mobile app to follow-up…
Presentations for Established Products
Instruments and Certifications
My Open Trainings
- Live - Agile Made Easy - How to apply Agile to any project (15 april ) - details here
- Webinar - How to run a successful career (13 may)
- Webinar - The CV that brings interviews (27 june)
- Webinar - 5 key areas to focus for entrepreneurs ( 0-3 years Start-ups) (17 june)

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